Transforming Pakistan

It is a blog developed with a view to gather youth of Pakistan living at different parts of the world at one platform so that they share their part in transforming the current situation of Pakistan to ideological, developed, peaceful, recognised and prosperous Pakistan. I am Pakistani and I myself believe that it is possible but it requires lot more work to do. Don't leave your job, department or country, just contribute your thoughts, energy, enthusiasm, intellect, views and time to make this transformation easier for those who are already struggling and for yourself. Time is in your hands, don,t miss it. I need your suggestion on how we can change our current situation...

Tuesday, 7 June 2011


Life is not but a mystery. We are given with five senses but are not enough to resolve life’s mystery. We can speak, see, hear, smell and feel the things which are within our limits. These limits are defined by someone supreme who is aware that if we would have been given beyond our limits, the joy of living in this world would be ruined. But there are some people who are blessed with senses beyond limit. They are special people who preach us what we can’t see or even can’t imagine. These are the Prophets, Saints and those who are blessed with such powers. But even then they are not in a direct contact with that supreme power operating the whole universe. There is an invisible veil between God and mankind. Though He can communicate with us directly but He wants himself to remain unseen unless we will meet Him at the day of judgement. So He chose Angels to spread His messages to Prophets and rest of mankind. Prophets receive these messages directly from angels but for rest of us, these messages are sent in the form of some incident, event or thought called intuition.
Just take a look at your life and ask yourself, how many times you come across some problem with not even a minor chance of getting rid of it but suddenly the whole situation changed as someone else has got your remote control, operating your each and every moment of life. Think of Newton, he saw apple dropping down like other’s but was given the intuition of developing his famous Laws. Ask Einstein how come you can give such theories when you had never done something like that in your life. Human civilisation had passed through different periods starting from Stone Age to this Modern Era. But interesting thing in all of it is, we are the same humans as were thousands of years ago with same senses but where the difference came from. It is not us who invented things, discovered new routes and created huge buildings. It was already written by the Supreme power. We are given with blessings of intuition at different times in order to start new era of civilisation. And these intuitions are sent to us by these Angels.
If it is not your time to die, you are protected by your angel of death. But if you are no more required in this world, your angel can not help you at that time as they are guided not the guiders. Unfortunately, there is no instrument developed to justify their presence but once humans will be able to find their existence, time for another civilisation will start which is called Armageddon. I can still remember a story we use to hear in our childhood. Once, God sent one of his angels to destroy some nation because they mastered astrology. That angel thought why not talk with someone before destroying them.  He asked one of the farmers, “Can you tell me where is that angel who is going to destroy your nation”. The farmer took his sick and started drawing strange lines on ground. After couple of minutes he replied, “He is not in the East, West, North or South but he is in here somewhere. Since I am not an angel, it means it is you who are”. After hearing that prediction, angel became astonished and got an idea why God sent him to destroy them.

By Sami Ullah Khan

Hidden Code

We are born with hidden abilities and power that we are unaware of. We perform deeds and blame fate for consequences. Sometimes results are good, in some cases it can be bad. Sometimes we think well, do good but results are not what we want to be. Sometimes we do nothing but get more than we deserve. Sometimes one man prays and whole community is forgiven and sometimes whole nation prays but no one is forgiven. We are in a cluster of what we call fate but at the same time there is something which is far more than just a destiny. It is something which is different for different people regardless of their race, nation or religion. I call it “Hidden Code”.
Have you ever noticed that there is some special thing related to every person which when he does, he gets favourable results or in other words he gets ultimate satisfaction. Some people give money to needy, some of them pray.  Some perform fast while some say darood. Some recite Quran and some feed animals. They all are blessed by Allah in one way or other. But interestingly, it is not always necessary that if someone is blessed for helping needy, other will also be blessed in the same way if he will perform the similar deed of helping needy. This is the hidden code of that person, which when he does, gets satisfaction in the form of money, peace of mind or fulfilment of desires. Hazrat Abu Bakar Siddique (R.A) was renowned on being companion (Siddique) of Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H). So being a companion was his hidden code and was blessed by Allah on this grounding. Similarly Hazrat Umar Farooq (R.A) was blessed for distinguishing truth from falsehood, Hazrat Usman Ghani(R,A) for being wealthy and helping the needy, Hazrat Ali Murtaza( R.A) for pleasing Allah and his Prophet (P.B.U.H). There is no doubt that all of these Sahaba were greatly praised by our Prophet (P.B.U.H) but still they got some unique characteristics on which they became famous and were blessed as well.  These qualities were their hidden codes helping them achieving ultimate satisfaction.
I call this code as hidden because sometimes a person doesn’t know what his code of success in life or hereafter is. I remember one of my colleagues working with me was always complaining about his bad luck. He told me that whenever he does something, it goes wrong and he is not getting job as well. Once he told me that I am Hafiz e Quran but not reciting it since I came to Manchester. But recently he started saying his prayers and beginning to recite Holy Quran. Suddenly his fate made a U-turn and now he is not only getting work but satisfied as well. He once told me that one night when he was preparing for exams, there was no light so he was using lantern.  Suddenly he went asleep and lantern fell down. It caused fire all around his bed and it was gradually moving towards his blanket. But he told me that he has a habit of talking while sleeping. He was reciting verses of Holy Quran during napping and his father was preparing to sleep in other room. He saw smoke coming out of his room but he thought that how it is possible as his son is reciting Quran and is awaking. But when he went inside he was amazed to see that fire was all around him but is not catching him as he was reciting Quran. He then woke him up and surprisingly saw fire reached his blanket but hadn’t harmed him.  So the hidden code of him was reciting Quran and that is what he observed now.
There are lot of examples around us and even the same principle applies to us if we observe our life closely. Some people know how to use it and some are using it without thinking about it. It is up to us how we see the world.
By Sami Ullah Khan

The Message

We are born with a unique identity. Where ever we are and whoever we are. We are defined by one complete word “Muslim”. No one is born with mission, vision, objectives and goals but a Muslim. Call it a fate or good luck. Consider it a mark or opportunity. We are here with a complete system to follow and to let others know who we are and why we are. It doesn’t matter what skills have we got and which tools we require. Our mission is to spread a “Message”. A Message decoded thousands of years ago when the whole universe came into existence. A Message translated in many languages, written on different tools, propagated from one chest to other, passed through various generations and at last reached us. There is no God but Allah (and Muhammad (P.B.U.H) is the last Messenger of Allah).
I met with people who sometimes hadn’t got enough knowledge of Islam, not good speakers, not even expert in other languages but were still working to spread this message. First of all whenever some Muslim goes for a prayer, he is propagating a similar message as a religious scholar does. Muhammad Ahmed, came to Manchester for battling with his luck, belong to a Pathan family in Chakdarra, District Dir.  He is not a good English speaker and even speaks Urdu with difficulty as his native language is Pashto. Whenever he met any English girl whether at Bus stop or at job. He always gives them information on Islam even though his intensions were not that in the beginning. Once on a bus stop, he saw two English girls standing without make up. He asked them today is Friday night and you are in simple dress without any make up. They said we are in Christian Missionary and we preach Christianity to other people. At once a message decoded in his mind and he asked them to study Islam as well. He even gave them name of Muslim scholar “Dr Zakir Naik” in order to search online his lectures on similarities in Islam and Christianity. Those girls were also curious about listening to that Scholar. Thinking critically he had done wrong deed by talking with stranger Christian girls even though in the beginning his intentions were not to spread that noble Message. But as a matter of fact “It came out of his mouth in a sudden as he was not thinking to spread this Message”.
Tariq Ali from Gujar Khan, not even matric pass, came to Manchester couple of months ago.  He can’t speak English but can understand it. He joined security and started working with English man. Sometimes he used to pray during job though he was not a regular “Namazi”.  Once English security officer asked him about what he is doing. He told him that its prayer and we do it five times a day. He further asked him about Islam. So, similar message decoded in his mind and even he can’t speak English but he preached him. As a result of it that English man asked him for the translation of Holy Quran.
According to Independent News U.K (4 Jan 2011) only in U.K there are about 100,000 people who converted to Islam and each year about 5000 people embraces Islam. When census were carried out to know which name is most popular for new born baby in U.K. An interesting outcome took place. It was Muhammad which was considered to be the most popular name used for newborn babies (Mail Online, 28 Oct 2010). Off course Allah took responsibility of spreading this Message as He says that “If you will not do it, I will replace you with others better than you are (summary of original saying)”. Faces will change but message will remain the same “La ILa Ha Illallah Muhammadur Rasoolullah”. It is up to us how willing we are in spreading this Message.

By Samiullah Khan