Life is not but a mystery. We are given with five senses but are not enough to resolve life’s mystery. We can speak, see, hear, smell and feel the things which are within our limits. These limits are defined by someone supreme who is aware that if we would have been given beyond our limits, the joy of living in this world would be ruined. But there are some people who are blessed with senses beyond limit. They are special people who preach us what we can’t see or even can’t imagine. These are the Prophets, Saints and those who are blessed with such powers. But even then they are not in a direct contact with that supreme power operating the whole universe. There is an invisible veil between God and mankind. Though He can communicate with us directly but He wants himself to remain unseen unless we will meet Him at the day of judgement. So He chose Angels to spread His messages to Prophets and rest of mankind. Prophets receive these messages directly from angels but for rest of us, these messages are sent in the form of some incident, event or thought called intuition.
Just take a look at your life and ask yourself, how many times you come across some problem with not even a minor chance of getting rid of it but suddenly the whole situation changed as someone else has got your remote control, operating your each and every moment of life. Think of Newton, he saw apple dropping down like other’s but was given the intuition of developing his famous Laws. Ask Einstein how come you can give such theories when you had never done something like that in your life. Human civilisation had passed through different periods starting from Stone Age to this Modern Era. But interesting thing in all of it is, we are the same humans as were thousands of years ago with same senses but where the difference came from. It is not us who invented things, discovered new routes and created huge buildings. It was already written by the Supreme power. We are given with blessings of intuition at different times in order to start new era of civilisation. And these intuitions are sent to us by these Angels.
If it is not your time to die, you are protected by your angel of death. But if you are no more required in this world, your angel can not help you at that time as they are guided not the guiders. Unfortunately, there is no instrument developed to justify their presence but once humans will be able to find their existence, time for another civilisation will start which is called Armageddon. I can still remember a story we use to hear in our childhood. Once, God sent one of his angels to destroy some nation because they mastered astrology. That angel thought why not talk with someone before destroying them. He asked one of the farmers, “Can you tell me where is that angel who is going to destroy your nation”. The farmer took his sick and started drawing strange lines on ground. After couple of minutes he replied, “He is not in the East, West, North or South but he is in here somewhere. Since I am not an angel, it means it is you who are”. After hearing that prediction, angel became astonished and got an idea why God sent him to destroy them.
By Sami Ullah Khan
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