Transforming Pakistan

It is a blog developed with a view to gather youth of Pakistan living at different parts of the world at one platform so that they share their part in transforming the current situation of Pakistan to ideological, developed, peaceful, recognised and prosperous Pakistan. I am Pakistani and I myself believe that it is possible but it requires lot more work to do. Don't leave your job, department or country, just contribute your thoughts, energy, enthusiasm, intellect, views and time to make this transformation easier for those who are already struggling and for yourself. Time is in your hands, don,t miss it. I need your suggestion on how we can change our current situation...

Saturday, 15 October 2011

Who Am I

A question we should ask ourselves
A thought we should arise in ourselves
If I am a Human, than who are they?
Killing each other is not a human way
Conspiring, polluting, looting and shooting
Should I call it my reasons to Stay?
If I am a Muslim, than why am I?
They ask me to keep quiet, why do I?
I am not a terror; I am not a cursed one
I have a problem; I believe in only One
If I am terror than why am I terrorised
Seeing my people killed, I am surprised
Don’t just see, listen, think and believe
They are telling you, what they want you to believe
If I am a Pakistani, than what should I do?
I am my own enemy, why to blame you?
I do know who is threatening my interests
It’s neither west nor my neighbour, it’s my lust
I say more, I do less, and I need more, I think less
My life is an agony, I am a complete mess
Those who believe I have to change
I think of them as they are strange

Story of a Traveller

I found a traveller two years ago
Who has got an arrow but no bow?
Who was unaware, which way to go?
If you asked her something, she said, “I don’t know”
But don’t know how, she got the way
Walking alone, she was never astray
Whenever she wanted to choose anything
Everything was like in her tray
One day she decided to find a new way
After several months, she found her day
Holding someone’s hand, why she still afraid?
But she thought she had found her way
In reality she was still far away
She hadn’t got habit to look back again
She shows as she has got no pain
Why loving sometimes seems all in vain  
Why she want to cry in the rain
Now I saw some light in her
I keep asking, it might not be her
But I fear this light may not vanish again
The journey of light (noor) may not perish again
Oh Allah, I pray she may find in her
A candle who wants to burn again

Reasons of our Failure

Reasons of our failure

I am writing this article to help my Pakistani youth to analyse that how bad we are. We need to change our selves. We have to come out of the shell. If we will remain quiet as our ancestors did, then there will be no more Pakistan in future.  You will only see Pukhtoonistan, Sindhistan, Punjabistan and Balauchistan. Please don,t think I am against any sect or caste, in fact I am against myself.  Hope you will understand my point of view. I need your sincere comments at the end.

False Perception

Our ego is so high that we do not consider other nations comparable to us. It is not the case at national level only. We are living like a frog in a pond unaware of vastness and openness of an ocean. You will hear some of the comments like “Pakistan Came in to being in the name of Allah, so Allah will protect it. No need to worry”. This statement is true that Allah gave us this land but we ignored the real part which is Allah gave us this land to show people what Muslims are. How Muslim thinks, act, work, run economy, develop relationships, shows patience, regard relations, treat gently, run state and responds when someone threats its national interests.  We are in everlasting circle of casteism and sectism, from which we are not ready to come out. If I am a Pathan than I will only think Pathans to be superior to others. It’s not what I say but it’s what I actually do. I will marry in Pathans and think that others are not equal to me. Here I am negating Islamic concept of considering everyone equal. This disease of casteism infuses a virus of inequality, injustice, disregard for others, discrimination and racism in me. These are the things which were not liked by our Prophet (PBUH). Then why to call myself a good Muslim? We will see this virus in Syed’s of Pakistan too. I am using word Pakistan particularly because it’s in our country only.  How we treat Syed’s. Let me give you an example. In my hostel, we are a group of five members. Everyone has some responsibility. I go out to buy stuff from market, sometimes cook too. Similarly other’s have their responsibilities to fulfil. But when it comes to Mr. Syed Sahab? Then he is not ready to cook or do anything. Sometimes he even asks us to fetch a glass of water for him which is placed just in front of him. To be honest it’s not his fault, because we gave him this respect. Without thinking our prophet said everyone is equal and only those are superior who are good in faith. I believe by giving extra respect to one sect is also inequality. This is not what I think, it is because our Prophet (PBUH) showed it by his actions. He prayed much more than anyone else, he respects other more than anyone else, he likes to participate in every work, he wants to do his work for himself, he likes equality and he even once said : “ If I will find that my daughter had committed a theft than I would surely cut her hands”. It is because he wanted us to know, don’t make yourself in a way that you will become ignored of reality and true spirit of Islam. We are giving preference to some castes and result is injustice and inequality in our society.


We have intolerance for other religions, nations (non muslims), castes, sects and even views. Words like Jew, Hindhu and Ahmedi at once ignite our ego and we start abusing them. All Jews, Hindhus and Ahmedis are not alike. It is forbidden in Islam to develop strong ties with them but it does not means that Islam says to abuse them or think down upon them. No one will accept Islam, if you will not show respect to them. Our Holy Prophet (PBUH) showed respect to all religions and people. That’s why everyone whether his enemy or friend was admired of him. They listen to him. Ahmedi brought up in our culture. They are not outsiders. We gave them this courage to develop. If you go back to history, when Mirza Ghulam Ahmed started his campaign, people were admiring him at that time. He was given so much respect that he changed the concept of last prophet. Now after 100 years, instead of bringing these Ahmedi’s who don’t know themselves that what are they doing, we are not providing awareness to them instead spitting and abusing them. And the result of this resistance is that they are now propagating in different parts of the world. I myself met Nigerian Ahmedi, he was saying Pakistani’s are cruel and intolerant as they are killing Ahmedi Muslims. I told him that Ahmedi’s are not Muslims. He asked me how, I told him the reason. It’s not the case with only one Ahmedi. Everyone thinks like that we are cruel and intolerant. We should have to be calm and think of ways in order to provide them awareness.


It is one of the reasons of our non innovative culture. If a child do anything or want to give his suggestion, we tell him’ “Don’t Argue” or we don’t accept his suggestion. If our elder are doing something wrong, it is a taboo to tell them not to do it. But on the other hand if a younger one is doing something, if we think that it is not right but in reality it is right. Even then we ask him to keep quiet and don’t do it. I know one of my Uncle who says his prayer wrong but no one out of his children is ready to tell him that he is saying his prayer wrong. Because they think, he will mind it. Once I asked my father about going for Tableegh, he said No you won’t they are not right. You are Brailwi not Deobandi. So as a result, I am not allowed to argue and tell him that both are Muslims with different thoughts. It is not right to accept one and reject other. Both are doing things right according to their school of thought.
It is because of this don’t argue culture that we are injected with a virus of unconfidence, non innovation and depression in our culture. We destroy thinking of our young ones right in the beginning. So how can they bring up with innovative thoughts or do something new and different.


It means we believe that no matter whatever we will do; Allah will help us in the end. Everything will become well at the end whether in this world or here after. It is because of this thinking that we tell a lie, do dishonesty, work lazily or insincerely, abuse others and don’t care about other’s interests. It is also a paradigm that we believe nothing will happen whatever we will do. Even though, we are facing problems like economic crisis, instability and insecurity because of it. Now everything which Allah told us is happening but we are still there where we were: All Is Well and Nothing Will Happen. We are like pigeon, which use to close its eyes on seeing a cat instead of making effort. These two revolutionary sentences are part of our culture that’s why when we choose our politicians and when they run the country, they say: All is well and nothing will happen whatever we will do.

Brotherhood or Inequality

We help others on the basis of sect, cast, of same city, of same street and relative. We are so strict in it that we even ignore that when someone do wrong, we need not to support him in his evil deed. Its result is, when we have to select some politician, we vote on the basis of these relations. My father will vote PML (N) because his friends’ brother is standing for PML (N). Whether that man is a big cheat but still no need to worry? As that is what we call brotherhood. Is it really brotherhood or an in equality? We are supporting people related to us whether they are right or wrong. We have no balance to measure it. Its result is off course inequality, injustice, unfair dealing, betrayal and lying.  I think we should not call it Muslim brotherhood. It is beyond Islam’s preaching’s.