Transforming Pakistan

It is a blog developed with a view to gather youth of Pakistan living at different parts of the world at one platform so that they share their part in transforming the current situation of Pakistan to ideological, developed, peaceful, recognised and prosperous Pakistan. I am Pakistani and I myself believe that it is possible but it requires lot more work to do. Don't leave your job, department or country, just contribute your thoughts, energy, enthusiasm, intellect, views and time to make this transformation easier for those who are already struggling and for yourself. Time is in your hands, don,t miss it. I need your suggestion on how we can change our current situation...

Saturday, 15 October 2011

Who Am I

A question we should ask ourselves
A thought we should arise in ourselves
If I am a Human, than who are they?
Killing each other is not a human way
Conspiring, polluting, looting and shooting
Should I call it my reasons to Stay?
If I am a Muslim, than why am I?
They ask me to keep quiet, why do I?
I am not a terror; I am not a cursed one
I have a problem; I believe in only One
If I am terror than why am I terrorised
Seeing my people killed, I am surprised
Don’t just see, listen, think and believe
They are telling you, what they want you to believe
If I am a Pakistani, than what should I do?
I am my own enemy, why to blame you?
I do know who is threatening my interests
It’s neither west nor my neighbour, it’s my lust
I say more, I do less, and I need more, I think less
My life is an agony, I am a complete mess
Those who believe I have to change
I think of them as they are strange

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